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Deal Module

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the structure and management of deals within the CRM system.
  • Develop the ability to create, update, and track customer deals effectively.

Introduction to Deals

  • Definition: 'Deals' in a CRM system are opportunities that represent potential sales or agreements with customers.
  • Purpose: Managing deals is essential for forecasting revenue, tracking sales progress, and strategizing business growth.

Creating a Deal

  • Step-by-Step Guide: Instructions on how to create a new deal and capture essential details.
  • Example Deal Details:
    • Deal Name: "Enterprise Software Upgrade"
    • Estimated Amount: $25,000
    • Close Date: 2023-09-30
    • Stage: Proposal
    • Account: "Global Tech Solutions"
  • Activity Management: Highlight the importance of logging activities such as negotiations, proposals, and follow-up actions to maintain a comprehensive deal history.

Managing Deals

  • Accessing and Reviewing Deal Information: Methods for viewing and understanding deal specifics, including associated contacts, activities, and communication history.
  • Mobile Management: Guidance on using mobile CRM capabilities to manage deals on-the-go.
  • Best Practices:
    • Timely Updates: Regularly update deal information to reflect the latest interactions and changes.
    • Pipeline Visibility: Maintain clear visibility of where each deal stands in the sales pipeline.
    • Collaborative Efforts: Encourage team collaboration to leverage collective expertise and drive deals forward.
    • Risk Assessment: Continuously assess deal risks and develop strategies to mitigate them.

Practical Examples

  • Scenario 1: Registering a New Deal
    • Example: Entering a new deal for "Eco-Friendly Office Supplies" with an eco-conscious corporate client.
  • Scenario 2: Modifying Deal Details
    • Example: Adjusting the estimated amount and close date for "High-Speed Internet Installation" based on the latest client feedback.
  • Scenario 3: Mobile Deal Updates
    • Example: Using the mobile CRM to update the stage of "Corporate Training Workshop" while at the client site.

Field Table

FieldNameTypeShort Description
UniqueNumberStringA unique identifier for the deal.
TitleStringThe name or title of the deal.
EstimatedAmountDecimalThe projected revenue from the deal.
ForecastAmountDecimalThe forecasted amount based on deal progress.
AccountIdGuidThe associated account's unique identifier.
ContactIdGuidThe contact person linked to the deal.
OpportunityLabelsGuid ArrayLabels categorizing the deal.
PaymentPlansGuid ArrayAssociated payment plans for the deal.
PriceListIdGuidThe price list applicable to the deal.
PipelineIdGuidThe sales pipeline where the deal is tracked.
PipelineStepIdGuidThe current step of the deal in the sales pipeline.
OwnerIdLongThe user responsible for the deal.
CreationTimeDateThe date and time when the deal was created.
LastModificationTimeDateThe last date and time the deal was modified.
LeadConvertDateDateThe date the associated lead was converted.
ClosedDateDateThe date the deal was closed.
DescriptionStringA detailed description of the deal.
StatusEnumThe current status of the deal.
IsArchivedBooleanIndicates if the deal is archived.
CloseReasonIdGuidThe reason for deal closure.
CloseDescriptionStringDescription of why the deal was closed.
LeadIdGuidThe lead from which the deal originated.
IntegrationIdStringIdentifier for external integration.
CurrencyIdGuidThe currency in which the deal is denominated.
ExchangeRateDoubleThe exchange rate applied to the deal's currency.
IsFixedBooleanIndicates if the currency exchange rate is fixed.
OpportunityItemsGuid ArrayProducts or services associated with the deal.
LastStepChangeDateDateThe last date the deal moved to a new pipeline step.


This module provides comprehensive guidance on managing deals within the CRM system. It emphasizes the importance of detailed tracking, regular updates, and strategic management to maximize the chances of deal closure and contribute to overall business success.